
Three Essential Business Skills to Success

Business-Taxes-300x199As a business owner you know the struggles. You understand the hard parts of running a business, and you understand the joys of running a business. If you find that you are struggling more often than not, you might need to take a step back and look at your leadership, managerial, and entrepreneur skills. There is a good chance that you are tackling your business from the wrong angle, and you have forgotten to apply these three essential skills as a business owner. Keep reading as your accountant in Billings, MT explains those skills.



Essential Business Skill: Sales

Mark Cuban once said, “In business you’re always selling – to your prospects, investors, and employees.” But what do those sales skills look like? They’re dramatically different from being a salesman.

Sales skills could be reworded as people skills. As a business owner, you constantly have to know how to interact with people. But at the same time, you constantly need to be sharing your vision and your passion with those people. That is where your interactions become sales interactions.

When you are first starting out on your business venture, you have to have the skills needed to sell your idea to your investors. Whether you are getting money from individuals, venture capitalists, or the bank, you have to sell your idea.

When you are running your business you have to sell to your prospects. They need to know why your product or service will make their life better. At the same time, you have to keep your employees passionate about your business. You must sell them on the dream.

Even when things are looking great, you have to keep selling. Employees will turnover; you have to sell the new ones. Prospects come and go; you have to sell to stay alive. A new opportunity may pop up; you have to sell to see the dream become reality.

Selling is instilling your passion into others.

Essential Business Skill: Planning

If you want to run a successful business, you have to start with a business plan. No matter what people say, a business without a plan will not know how to overcome obstacles when they come up. It all starts with setting goals.

Before you launch your business, before you register your business name, before you even think about opening a store, you have to have goals. As humans we are fickle. When we don’t have goals to meet, we don’t do anything. Without a goal for your business, personal, and financial life, you will just keep floundering along.

After defining your goals, you need to get an idea together that will help you meet those goals. This business plan should include everything you can possibly think of. You need to make a plan to meet those goals, but you also need a plan of what you will do if you don’t meet those goals. You need a plan of what to do if you exceed your goals. You need a plan of how to overcome the hard obstacles, and a plan of what to do when obstacles present themselves that you couldn’t even imagine.

By making a plan, you will make your business life so much easier.

Essential Business Skill: Focus

There is not a successful business owner out there that isn’t laser focused on their business. We have all met the two types of business owners: the one that is keenly aware of his business and knows exactly what needs done to make it succeed, and the one that is trying to run a hundred directions at once and is always frazzled.

Your focus on your business is what sets you apart from the wannabes. You know your business and what needs done. What that means is that you don’t worry about aspects of your business that someone else can handle. Payroll services? Let your accountant in Billings, Montana do that. IT work? Hire a specialist to be on-call for your computer needs. Website development? There are a lot of website builders out there and others who can optimize your website. The list could continue, but the bottom line is that you focus on your business, let others focus on their business, and work together to benefit everyone.

By being laser focused on your business, and letting others take care of items outside your area of expertise, you can grow substantially.

Practical Taxes is a full service accounting firm in Billings, MT. We can help you with many of those items that fall outside of your area of expertise, like payroll services, bookkeeping, and more. By letting us handle the things you are not familiar with, you will have more time to grow your business.

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Failure-300x225Failure. Nobody wants to hear that word. We don’t want to fail on our tests in school, we avoid failing in sporting events, we definitely wouldn’t want to be failures at life, and if we fail in our business there could be lasting consequences. Since there is so much pressure on not failing, we often get an overwhelming fear of failure. Spend the next few minutes learning how your accountant in Billings, MT suggests overcoming the fear of failure.




Fear of Failure

It is said that the fear of failure is the biggest fear that business owners have. They aren’t afraid of selling, they aren’t afraid of losing a key employee, and they aren’t afraid of the monetary risks they are taking. But the fear of failure is huge.

So what is the fear of failure? To some people it is the fear of losing all their money. Business owners understand that money comes and goes. To some it is the fear of not seeing their business grow to the size they want. But an entrepreneur knows that if this business doesn’t succeed he can start another that will. The fear of failure that business owners suffer from is the fear of never succeeding. It isn’t a onetime setback, it’s a permanent loss.

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

What often happens when we are presented with the possibility of failure is that we simply freeze up. Rather than make a decision, we end up making no decision. That can be as bad, or worse, than making the wrong decision. So here are ways to overcome that fear, and become a better business owner because of it.

Analyze – Weigh the pros and cons of each decision carefully. Write this all down.

Seek Advice – You should surround yourself with a team of advisors. An accountant, a financial advisor, a marketing person, a graphic designer, a strategist, a website person, etc.

Go with your gut – Generally speaking your gut feeling is sound advice. Your subconscious has already made the decision, so follow through.

Keep Moving – We all make mistakes, learn from the past mistakes and prevent future mistakes.

Accept the Fear – Fear of failure will never go away. But we can harness that emotion and use it for our good.

Harnessing the Power of Fear

There are two ways that fear will motivate people. Some people will be wrought with fear of failure so they become workaholics. They have to do everything and have everything perfect. In the end they are no better off than those who don’t do much at all. The other group will harness the power of the fear, and use it to make themselves better business owners. They will work smarter, not harder; they will learn from mistakes, not repeat them; they will seek advice, not be a one-man show. In the end, you don’t want to get rid of the fear, because that is what drives you and motivates you. But you can’t succumb to the fear either.

Practical Taxes is a full service accounting firm in Billings, MT. We can handle your accounting, payroll services, bookkeeping, and much more. This leaves you the time to focus on what you do best: running your business. Don’t let fear distract you, instead put some of your burdens on us in order to overcome your fear. Call us today at 406-894-2050 to learn how we can help your business thrive!