
Time to Start Getting Your Taxes For 2017 In Order

It’s only September, but it’s never too early to start considering getting everything for your taxes in order.  It’s not the time to rush, you have time, but to have everything in order come tax season can make things easier on you, and make for a quicker appointment with your accountant.

Tax Forms

First, obviously, when you go see your accountant this tax season you’ll need to bring in your tax forms, forms for most of you that you wont have until January, and your employer has the entire month before they’re legally bound to have sent this out, so this one part you wont have to worry about until then.

Medical Expenses

This is the time of year to gather all of the paid forms for medical expenses, childcare expenses, student loan payments, etc.  At the end of the year you will most likely receive certain tax documents from some of these institutions, and it’s important that you can quickly double check the tax form against the receipts of payment for what you paid out monthly.

There can be discrepancies at the end of the year, which could end up costing you, if you’re not prepared.  Also, this is the time of year to collect each and every receipt.  Oftentimes people will absently store paper receipts, future write-offs—we’re looking at you small business owner—in a wallet or a purse, only to later be discarded as trash by accident.


Every single applicable receipt for your business counts.  Document the receipts, as well as keep the original copies, to ensure that come tax season you’re not missing out on one, single write off.


Also, for those of you who write off your vehicle mileage, it can be easy to forget to do this each and every day if you’re not in the habit.  Each and every mile could count for a certain amount in taxable deductions, so know what those miles are.  Have this information documented, so come tax time, there’s no question as to how many you need to report.

Obviously September is not a major tax month for most of us, but everyone should always be reminded to be prepared for the tax season.

Practical Taxes

Practical Taxes is a full service accounting firm in Billings, Montana. We can help you get the most from your taxes, and make sure that you will get the maximum refund every year. But we don’t just do taxes! We can help with your bookkeeping, payroll, bank reconciliation, budgeting, and more. Give us a call at 406-894-2090 to learn more.


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Reasons Why Small Business Owners Need to Keep Meticulous Records

Being a small business owner, I get it, there is so much to do and keeping track of records just isn’t at the top of the list. But it should be. Keeping things organized and tracing records can help you in the long run.

Tax Season Billings MT
If you keep track of your records and receipts, when it comes to tax season, it will be much easier for you to locate your receipts. It will also help you to get all of the deductions that you are entitled to. The IRS does not accept bank statements. They want the actual receipts to validate your expenses.

Payroll Management Billings MT
Keeping your payroll records organized can assist you with tracking your employees. It makes it much easier when it comes to paying your employees. If you aren’t comfortable doing payroll or just don’t have time, Practical Taxes can manage your payroll for you.

Invoicing Billings MT
When it comes to invoicing your clients, keeping track of your records will help you to know who has paid and who has not. It can also help you to keep track of projects and to know what money is coming in.

Trust me when I tell you that spending a few minutes each day on your records will pay off in the long run.  Keeping track of your records will make tax season much easier as well.

Practical Taxes

Practical Taxes is a full service accounting firm in Billings, Montana. We can help you get the most from your taxes, and make sure that you will get the maximum refund every year. But we don’t just do taxes! We can help with your bookkeeping, payroll, bank reconciliation, budgeting, and more. Give us a call at 406-894-2090 to learn more.


Side-Job-300x225There are thousands of people who would like to make more money or save more money. It would allow them to afford the lifestyle that they truly want. But they run into problems, such as they are at the top of where they can get to at work, or they have scrimped and saved and really cannot cut costs anywhere else. They wonder where they should turn. In today’s society, packed with internet bills, cell phone bills, high utility fees, and many other things that cost a lot of money, many people need to pick up some sort of side income. Depending on how you earn the money, there could be tax consequences that you want to address (also where an accountant in Billings, Montana could help you out).


Getting a Second Job

To bring in extra cash, most people will get a second job. This could be serving at a bar or a restaurant in the evenings, or working part-time as a cashier at a retail store. There are the goods and the bads that come with this choice.

The benefits of a second job are that you will have regular hours. That means a steady second paycheck. Also, you will get another paycheck where taxes have been taken out; there will be less to worry about come tax season (on top of that, the employer will pay half of your FICA taxes).

The downsides, however, are that you are stuck working for someone else. You have to follow their hours, their guidelines, and you are likely to be stuck making close to minimum wage (being a server, however, you could make substantially more because of tips).

Working on the Side

Because of the lack of flexibility and the low pay of working a side job, many people choose to follow their passions, and monetize their hobbies or interests. This method takes a little more planning, but the benefits in the long run are a lot better.

The best part about starting your own side business is that you get to set your hours. You work when you want to, and as much as you want to. So if you only have a few hours per week, you don’t have to rearrange your entire schedule just to bring in some extra money. Another positive aspect is that you get to set your own rates. With proper marketing, and if you have the skills, you can make substantially more than minimum wage.

The biggest drawback of earning income on the side like this is that you will have to pay all of the taxes. Next tax season you will have a bigger tax bill that may drop your tax refund into the negatives. This is especially true because you will be paying ALL of the 15.3% into your FICA taxes (working for someone else, half of this is covered). Combine that with the fact that you have to find all of your own clients, and many people are deterred from this option (even though you can make a lot more, it is quite a bit harder).

Using an Accountant in Billings, Montana

If you hire an accountant in Billings, Montana, you will be able to take a lot of the worry away from your side business. Here at Practical Taxes, we know the tax laws, and if you are starting your own side business we can work with you to get the most deductions possible (and help to offset those taxes that you have to pay).

If you are interested in making more money on the side, consider starting a little side business (often called a side hustle). You will be happy that you did, and the extra income can go a long ways.

Practical Taxes knows all the current tax laws and can help you with your business needs including business planning, accounting, tax preparation, and more.