Tax Season
Tax season is almost over, and if you have yet to file your income taxes, then there’s no better time than right now. And if it’s slipped your mind, then you might want to notify your tax professional at Practical Taxes to get some assistance and file an extension. If you’ve already completed your taxes under the new tax laws-guidelines, you know that there were a few changes this year. Not everyone noticed the changes, however, or for some the changes were negligible; but for many tax payers the changes were either surprisingly positive or surprisingly negative. And if you were surprised by the outcome of your 2019 tax returns, then it may be time to speak with your accountant at practical Taxes—especially if you found yourself having to unexpectedly owe a substantial amount—as to the most appropriate way to handle your income/savings/withholdings for next tax season. It’s easy to pay it this year and forget it, but a little know-how and effort this year makes sure that you don’t have another big surprise coming the next.
And that’s one of the things that a professional, experienced tax professional can do for you: show you the best, most practical way to manage your monthly income. The IRS’s tax tables are super simple to read and understand, but how those tables relate to your own personal income is much less a straightforward and simple matter. Especially if you have a fluctuating income, and it changes month-to-month. Or if you own or operate a small business, or LLC, and you have questions as to whether you should write-off each expense, or if you should take the standard deduction. An experienced accountant will be able to show you the difference.
Whatever the end result of the 2019 income tax season happened to be, choose Practical Taxes for all of your personal, business, accounting needs. It pays at the end of the year to have the knowledge and expertise of a professional accountant. Call Practical Taxes today.
Good to know.
Very interesting article thanks for sharing.
Great info.